18 mayo, 2016

Radio Desperado (pirata), QSL

6290 khz, Radio Desperado, emisora pirata holandesa confirma mi informe de hace unos meses. La recepción fue muy mala entonces.
Eddy, su operador me comenta que tiene actualmente otro transmisor, esperemos que la próxima recepción sea mejor.

Good luck with your new transmitter, Eddy!

9HD Malta Radio, verificación

518,0 9HD RCC Malta / Malta Radio confirma mi informe de su emisión en Navtex. La recepción fue en el año 2014 y un intento reciente ha tenido éxito. Me ha contestado Maj Magion.


10 mayo, 2016

WFED (Estados Unidos), QSL

 This letter confirms your reception report for WFED (formerly WWWT-AM, WTWP-AM, and WTOP-AM), 1500 KHz, Washington, DC, USA on 09/14/15 at 05:58 UTC/GMT.
WFED broadcasts with 50,000 watts from our transmitter site in Wheaton, MD. The site has been in continuous use since 1939.
David Kolesar, Senior Broadcast Engineer.

Thank you for your QSL!

MCTS Sydney/VCO (Canadá), QSL

518 khz MCTS Sydney/VCO, Nova Scotia confirma mi informe de sus emisiones Navtex por vía postal.
Heather Ozon, Officer-in-Charge incluye una amplia información técnica e histórica.

We have the following scheduled NAVTEX broadcast times:
• English (Q) 518kHz: 0240/0640/1040/1440/1840/2240z

• French (J) 490kHz: 0255/0655/1055/1455/1845/2255z

Our broadcasts consist of ice (winter only), weather, Notices to shipping and Notices to Fishermen information for mariners. We transmit with 1 kw during daylight hours and drop that to between 0.450-0.500 kw during the evening, from our transmitter site located at 45 11'08"N 59 53'40"W (Port Caledonia, Nova Scotia). We are required to provide a minimum 300nm (nautical miles) coverage area. But, as you've personally experienced, our coverage extends far beyond this, with the proper conditions.
Other broadcast services we provide are seasonal ice charts via radio facsimile (4416 kHz and 6915 kHz). As part of GMDSS, we are also equipped with a VHF-DSC system and continuously monitor VHF channel 70.
Up until June 1999, we provided services in Morse code on 500 kHz. It was a great sadness to us all when that service was discontinued. Even though other forms of communications have replaced it, Morse code proved over time to be one of the most effective means we had to stay in touch with ships at sea.
We also provide a Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) function in 2 distinct areas:
• Chedabucto Bay and the approaches to the Straits of Canso (body of water which separates Cape Breton Island and the rest of the province of Nova Scotia)

• Northumberland Strait (body of water which separates the province of Prince Edward Island from the rest of Canada)

This is done with the assistance of one radar installation at 45 30'53"N 61 15'15"W (Eddy Point, Nova Scotia). We began handling these duties in late 2000, early 2001.
Our Coast Station is staffed by 11 operators and one Officer-in-Charge. We have quite a large coverage area, encompassing the waters around Cape Breton Island, the province of Prince Edward Island and the waters off the province of New Brunswick, north to the province of Quebec's border. This is achieved via 10 communication sites controlled from Sydney. Most of our radio work is performed in the VHF maritime bands even though we still monitor the MF international distress and calling frequency of 2182 kHz, broadcast on 2749 khz, utilize 2582 khz and 2530 khz for ship-store communicatios, and also have a dedicated frequency to communicate with Canadian Coast Guard vessels.

Best Regards, Mr. Ozon!

04 mayo, 2016

WEPN (Estados Unidos), QSL

1050 Khz, WEPN-AM, ESPN Deportes, New York, NY confirma  de nuevo mi informe.
Esta emisora se dedica a deportes en castellano y con mucha atención a estos acontecimientos en Europa. Cuando acompaña la propagación puede ser oída sin mucha dificultad.
Esta vez contesta por correo postal Bob Galerstein, presentador y además colega de afición y que tiene el indicativo WB2VGD.

Thank you Bob and Best DX!

WHKT (Estados Unidos), QSL

 1650 kHz WHKT, The Answer, Portsmouth, Virginia, certifica mi recepción el 10 Septiembre 2015 a las  05:45 UTC. Es parte de la cadena Chesapeake-Portsmouth Broadcasting Corporation
La respuesta viene de Colleen Dick, Regional Manager.

Es mi segunda QSL de esta emisora, la anterior es del 6 diciembre 2007 y entonces WHKT era parte de la cadena Radio Disney.

Thank you Colleen!

WBAP (Estados Unidos), QSL

820 kHz, WBAP News Talk, Fort Worth, Texas confirma mi informe.
La respuesta viene de Duane A. Sedge, Assistant Chief Engineer. Comenta que "WBAP is owned and operated by Cumulus Media which owns 570 radio stations across the United States".
De hecho Cumulus Media es el segundo mayor propietario u operador de emisoras MW y FM de los Estados Unidos.
WBAP es una de las muchas emisoras  del otro lado del Atlántico que pude oír en el amanecer del pasado 10 de septiembre 2015

Thank you Duane!

Identificación WBAP