18 julio, 2014

Bogusman (pirata), QSL

Bogusman, 6307 kHz, emisor pirata inglesa ha confirmado mi informe después de 7 meses. La respuesta viene de Paul Fraser pfraser01@hotmail.co.uk y añade el siguiente texto:

The Bogusman shares his unique commentary on life and Malcolm. His Free Radio journey, starting with appearances on a tower block pirate station, progressing to operations on 48m, then creating 'The Bogus Jobseeker Experience' for a multiband FR station has culminated in the current free thinking,free wheeling, irreverent Bogus brand.
A vinyl stalwart, the Bogusman brings you contemporary indie releases. Forays into the cavernous depths of the 'Pit Library' unearth classic tracks from decades past.
Transmissions are mostly made using valve equipment, with an output power of at least 100W. Occasionally, a lower-powered solid state transmitter is used. Sites are various and are in England. The antenna is a half-wave dipole.
Bogusman is rendered audible thanks to the expertise of the 'Bogus Engineer' and to Mr Armadillo, who has created an online streaming archive of shows at http://internetradio.tripod.com. Check this link on Saturday and Sunday evenings, for old material from Bogusman and the Ghoul.

Thank you!

09 julio, 2014

La Española FM, Valladolid, QSL

87,6 La Española FM, Valladolid, es una radio que se define como "Emisora de radio musical en idioma español de todas las épocas y para todo el ámbito iberoaméricano".
Su director, Fernando Blanco, ha verificado mi informe en pocas horas. radiolaespanola@gmail.com